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Workstation Health and Fitness for RSI

Repetitive Strain Injury RSI is now a major industrial diseaseaffecting millions of people around the world. RSI includesconditions such as carpel tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis andtendinitis - often collectively referred to as upper limbdisorders, musculoskeletal disorders, occupational overusesyndrome OOS, computer related injuries or cumulative traumadisorders, or CTD. Often the posotion of workstations and thedesign of the pc and accessories can affect how our health andsafety. . Workstation ErgonomicsA well designed workstation is essential to maintaining goodposture and reducing the risk of lower back pain and othercomputer related injuries. . Ergonomic Keyboards and MiceThere are quite a few ergonomically designed keyboards and miceavailable. The Microsoft Natural Keyboard is one example. Thiskeyboard splits the keys into two panels - one for each hand,and angles each panel so that the hands sit naturally on thekeyboard, rather than requiring them to be t...

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